Muraglia Smoked EVOO 200ml
The first of its kind, this 'Fumo' Smoked Extra Virgin Olive Oil is naturally cold-smoked using natural woods, made exclusively with cold-pressed Peranzana olives grown in Puglia. Unique for its exceptional fragrance and nuanced flavor, this oil has an elegant finish that enhances your raw ingredients without overpowering their identity. On the palate, it is full of delicate tones, with powerful hints to a smoky past. It closes in a deliciously spicy way with a long, flowery finish.
It is perfect with grilled meat, ricotta, fatty fish.
The first of its kind, this 'Fumo' Smoked Extra Virgin Olive Oil is naturally cold-smoked using natural woods, made exclusively with cold-pressed Peranzana olives grown in Puglia. Unique for its exceptional fragrance and nuanced flavor, this oil has an elegant finish that enhances your raw ingredients without overpowering their identity. On the palate, it is full of delicate tones, with powerful hints to a smoky past. It closes in a deliciously spicy way with a long, flowery finish.
It is perfect with grilled meat, ricotta, fatty fish.
The first of its kind, this 'Fumo' Smoked Extra Virgin Olive Oil is naturally cold-smoked using natural woods, made exclusively with cold-pressed Peranzana olives grown in Puglia. Unique for its exceptional fragrance and nuanced flavor, this oil has an elegant finish that enhances your raw ingredients without overpowering their identity. On the palate, it is full of delicate tones, with powerful hints to a smoky past. It closes in a deliciously spicy way with a long, flowery finish.
It is perfect with grilled meat, ricotta, fatty fish.